Thursday, September 07, 2006

Pitching Problems

Yeah, yeah, this should be obvious now. If we're talking 2006 Cardinals pitching, we're talking Carpenter and the scrubs.

But there's been a lot of Isringhausen and Mulder stuff out recently that should be publicized as much as possible.

First off, while Isringhausen does suck this year, Viva El Birdos, probably the best Cardinals blog out there, put out this article that highlights what he HAS done for the Cardinals. While all criticism this season is fair, this should hopefully quell the "HE ALWAYS SUCKED!" talk.

Because you're wrong. He didn't.

The other, more interesting thing is this scouting information about the Cardinals Mark Mulder, who has had an incredibly disappointing 2006 season. His rehab focus was to get back to his 2004 arm slot(his last season in Oakland). Carlos Gomez points out it is not his arm slot that is the problem, but how he gets there.

Tomorrow, if I get time, I'm going to look at the disassembling of Oakland's Big 3 and how the two trades and lack of a third trade has worked out for the teams involved(Oakland, St. Louis, and Atlanta)


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